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Writer's pictureSarah Taal

Well Being an Holistic Approach

Updated: Aug 4

As part of Baobab’s Strategic Plan we have identified Well Being as an integral part of our objectives over the next three years.

This focus was pioneered by the ‘Journey to Wellness Pilot’ funded by SEREDA at Birmingham University. In the initiative 6 Asylum Seeker Women were recruited to explore Creative and Healing Arts as a means to building resilience and developing strategies for thriving despite negative past experiences and ongoing challenging Asylum Seeker processeswhich have impacted adversely on their Health and Well Being. * {See our Journey to Wellness Web Page for more details.}

Journey to Wellness Aromatherapy

My approach to Wellness embraces Mind, Body and Spirit. Drawing from a diverse range of disciplines including Talk Therapy; Exercise; Journalling; Aromatherapy; Reflexology; Drama; Singing Together; Painting and elements of Yoga postures, Breathwork and Tia Chi.

In order to heal ourselves and sustain wellness it is essential that we cultivate ‘Self Knowledge’ and Self Awareness; this important inquiry takes effort and a commitment to taking responsibility for our own journey.

At its core this journey means practicing Self Love.

Our physical body which is the densest level of human energy interfaces with the Etheric body, Emotional body, Mental body, Soul body and Spirit.

All these Energy Bodies are intricately connected and share a complex relationship, like the Moon and Tides, the Sun and the Rain. Any imbalance or dis-ease in one part will be experienced in other parts of the Energy Fields. Hence the need to approach Well Being from an Holistic perspective.

Today I want to open a conversation about Harmony and Balance through the sharing of a personal narrative.

Aged 42 I had a Hysterectomy. I asked the surgeon if I could see his unnatural growth that had been causing me severe periods and abdominal pain for many years I was alarmed when I looked at the football size of a fibroid that he had removed along with my womb.

I was fortunate to have private BUPA Health Care insurance and quickly discharged myself from Gloucester Hospital into an amazing Health Retreat called Park Attwood.

The first day that my Doctor; whose name escapes me except that she had an interesting foreign accent, came to visit me she stayed at my bedside for a short time so as not to tire me. Her opening question was not ‘how are you feeling,’ but ‘what are you going to chose to do to bring joy into your life?

I was confused but pondered on this question for the next 24 hrs until my visit from the Doctor the following day. My answer to her was “I’m going to express my creativity.” She smiled and replied. “Okay, let us begin this process by working together on an Action Plan. Step one will be healing the physical damage that’s been done by the removal of your womb.”

I stayed at Park Attwood for 3 weeks and during that small window of time I had a ‘Light-Bulb-Moment’. I began to understand that everything is connected.My Sacral Chakra which is the energy centre linked to sensuality, sexuality, creative expression had ossified because I had allowed myself to be starved of Joy and being alive in the world.

I adored my 13 year old son Raphael and worked extremely hard to make sure that he had a full and happy life regardless of the absence of his father. However, I had somehow forgotten about looking after myself. Living the life of a stoic, unconsciously playing the martyr had produced an imbalance in my hormones that led to a serious physical ailment. As soon as I was fully recovered, I left my job; which involved nurturing Vulnerable Young People and started my own Theatre Company.

Decades later Baobab has given me the opportunity to use the ‘Self Knowledge’ and Self Awareness’ that I’ve embedded into a way of life to empower our Beneficiaries to find ways and means of helping themselves to Wellness and for this privilege I am sincerely grateful.

My Well Being Role will also extend to supporting members of the Baobab Staff Team with Mentoring and Training. We are Capacity Building Baobab from the inside out.

Watch this space for a future conversation on the ‘Power of Sleep’ and do visit our Web Page to engage in our interactive ‘Journey to Wellness Toolkit’ which is also available for hire.

Fun with Hats

Viv Manjaro



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